Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA May 2021

The number for civil international air traffic movements at HKIA in May 2021 compared to a year earlier was as follows:

  • Passenger numbers were up 57.7% from 37.000 to 59.000
  • Cargo tonnes handled was up 7.3% from 377.000 tonnes to 405.000 tonnes
  • Passenger flights movements was down 4.6% from 4.680 to 4.465
  • Cargo flights movements was down 3.9% from 6.418 to 6.165
  • Non-revenue movements was down 7.5% from 265 to 245
  • Total aircraft movements was down 4.3% from 11.363 to 10.875.

Sichuan Airlines resumes flights between Hong Kong and Chengdu

As traffic seems to be slowly coming back to Hong Kong, Sichuan Airlines have resumed their flights between Hong Kong and Chengdu.

Sichuan Airlines currently operate this route 3 times per week, The route is mainly operated by an Airbus A330, but also sometime with an Airbus A321. The flight is scheduled to leave Chengdu at 14:20 and arrive in Hong Kong at 17:00. The return flight leaves Hong Kong at 18:30, and arrives in Chengdu at 21:00

Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA April 2021

Just a quick post to keep the records available for myself.

The Air Traffic Statistics At HKIA in April 2021 compared to April 202 was as follows:

  • Passenger numbers were up 89% from 32.000 to 60.000
  • Cargo tonnes handeles was up 15.5% from 337.000 to 389.000 tonnes.
  • Passenger flight were up 29.4% from 3.257 to 5.215
  • Cargo flights were about the same from 5.904 to 5.925
  • Total flight movements were up 9.9% from 9.441 to 10.375

As we see, a bit of improvement from the year before, but I think the numbers went down quickly again after that, will see over the next few days as I get into the next few monthly reports.

Cathay Pacific’s network in September 2022

Cathay Pacific is slowly increasing their network again, and here is an overview of which destinations they are operating TO in September 2022:

Keep on reading!

Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA March 2021

In an effort to try to catch up, here are the air traffic statistics for Hong Kong from March 2021:

  • Passenger numbers were down 89.9% compared to a year earlier, from 576.000 to 58.000
  • Cargo was up 4.9% from 379.000 tonnes to 397.000 tonnes.
  • Passenger flights were down 22.8% from 5.724 to 4.420
  • Total flight numbers were down 12.5% from 12.135 to 10.620.

March was the 2nd month after Covid restrictions hit worldwide aviation, so it is worth noting that the numbers for March 2020 were also down 67% from the year before, so the reduction in flights in and out of Hong Kong compared to 2019 were down from 36.752, so quite severe reductions. And I think worse were still to come, I’ll go through the next few months soon as well.

Loong Air starts operations to Hong Kong

Chinese airline Loong Air has started operations between Hong Kong and their hub in Hangzhou earlier in August 2022. As far as I know, this is the first time this airline has operated passenger flights into Hong Kong, and is one of the first new airlines to start flying to Hong Kong after aviation almost came to a halt due to Covis-19.

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Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA February 2021

I know I have fallen way behind on the statistics update, so I will be spamming them out over the next week or two.

  • Passenger numbers were down 97.5% from the year before, from 1.882.000 to 47.000
  • Cargo was up 23.3 % from 252.000 tonnes to 310.000
  • Passenger flights were down 74,3% from 14.124 to 3.635
  • Total flight movements were down 52% from 18.031 to 8.475.

February 2020 was the first month that we saw a reduction of flights with the outbreak of Covid-19, so this is where it start getting interesting to see how the numbers compare year-by-year. Of course the reductions in the beginning of the pandemic was not as severe as they were later on, but it still show how a drastic decrease it was over the next several months.

March numbers will be posted soon(ish).

Hong Kong Government trials upgraded electronic health declaration system to enhance arrival quarantine procedures

In a press release today the Hong Kong Government announced that they are implementing an upgraded health declaration system for arriving passengers into Hong Kong in order to streamline the arrival process, and make both check-in and arrival procedures for passengers to Hong Kong easier.

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Greater Bay Airlines starts operations today between Hong Kong and Bangkok.

It has been a while since the forming of Greater Bay Airlines was announced, and many have been waiting for news about them commencing operations from their base at Hong Kong International Airport.

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Cathay to bring back fleet parked in Alice Springs

With the outbreak of Covid-19 and the effect it had on aviation two years ago, Cathay Pacific parked a lot of their aircrafts for a long time. Initially they were parked at Chek Lap Kok Airport in Hong Kong as you can see on the picture above, and they slowly moved them to a long term parkin in the desert in Alice Springs in Australia.

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