Quick Hotel Review – JW Marriott Hong Kong, June 28th – July 2nd 2022.

I was at this time a long term resident at the Renaissance Harbour View in Hong Kong, but due to a delegation of VIPs coming to Hong Kong for a visit, the hotel was not available for us plebs during those four days, so I was asked to move to either the Sheraton in TST or the JW Marriott in Admiralty instead. As the Sheraton was under renovation and warned there might be a lot of noise, I choose the JW Marriott for the 4 nights that was needed. The price was a special rate of 1200 HKD plus 10% service charge, so in total 1320 HKD per night.

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Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in August 2022

As the world grappled with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hong Kong seemed to be making significant strides towards normalcy. August 2022 marked a turning point for the region as provisional civil international air traffic statistics at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) revealed remarkable improvements in various key metrics. The data not only suggestsed a substantial rebound in the aviation sector but also hints at the nearing end of COVID-19 restrictions in Hong Kong.

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Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in June 2022

According to provisional civil international air traffic statistics at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) for June 2022, there was a significant increase in the number of passengers, with a total of 295,000 passengers compared to 83,000 in June 2021, representing a 254.1% increase. This marks a continued trend of growth in passenger numbers at HKIA, with passenger numbers increasing by 191.3% in June 2022 compared to the same period the previous year, and 99.1% over the past 12 months.

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Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in May 2022

According to provisional civil international air traffic statistics at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) for May 2022, there was a significant increase in the number of passengers, with a total of 170,000 passengers compared to 59,000 in May 2021, representing a 186.1% increase. This marks a continued trend of growth in passenger numbers at HKIA.

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Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in April 2022

According to provisional civil international air traffic statistics at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) for April 2022, there was a significant increase in the number of passengers, with a total of 126,000 passengers compared to 60,000 in April 2021, representing a 109.4% increase. This marks a continued trend of growth in passenger numbers at HKIA over the past 12 months, with a total of 1,491,000 passengers in April 2022, an increase of 72.5% compared to the same period the previous year.

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Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in March 2022

According to civil international air traffic statistics at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) for March 2022, there was a significant increase in the number of passengers, with a total of 94,000 passengers compared to 58,000 in March 2021, representing a 61.3% increase.

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Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in December 2021

The traffic statistics for Hong Kong in December 2021 compared to 2020 was as follows:

  • Passenger numbers were up 70% from 91,000 to 154.000
  • Cargo tonnes handeles were up 8.6% from 439,000 tonnes to 477.000 tonnes
  • Passenger flight movements were up 6.1% from 5,838 to 6.195
  • Cargo fligths were up 19.4% from 6.488 to 7.745
  • Non-revenue fligths were uo 72.2% from 333 to 575
  • Total flight movements were up 14.7% from 12,659 to 14.515

It is interesting to note though that flights movements were down about 300 compared to the month before… is this a sign of the peak having been reached before more covid restrictions came into force in Hong Kong?

Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in November 2021

The traffic statistics at Hong Kong for November 2021 was as follows:

  • Passenger number were up 48.1% compared to a year before, from 81.000 to 120.000
  • Cargo tonnes handeled were up 10.1% from 434.000 tonnes to 478.000 tonnes
  • Passenger flights were up 5.5% from 5.666 to 5.990
  • Cargo flights were up 29% from 6.548 to 8.445
  • Non-revenue flights were up 30.4% from 345 to 450
  • Total fligth movements were up 18.4% from 12.559 to 14.875

Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in January 2022

After having almost reached 15.000 movements in November and December 2021, traffic in January of 2022 took a tumble again. The numbers were as follows:

  • Passenger numbers were the same as a year before, 71.000.
  • Cargo tonnes handeled were down 4.7% from 410.000 tonnes to 391.000 tonnes
  • Passenger flights were down 8.8% from 4,894 to 4.465
  • Cargo fligths were up 14.1% from 6.278 to 7.165
  • Non-revenue fligths were up 82.7% from 208 to 380
  • Total flight movements were up 5.5% compared to 2021 from 11.380 to 12.010, but down 2.500 since the month before.

Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA in February 2022

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) saw a significant increase in passenger traffic in February 2022, with 86,000 travelers passing through the airport. This represents a year-over-year (YoY) increase of 80.2% compared to the 48,000 passengers in February 2021.

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